Caesar the Musical – Feature Film Review

A musical retelling of the rise and fall of Julius Caesar by written and directed by Mike Petrone.

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Adel – Short Film Review

After several years working as a high fashion model, Adel begins to question her surroundings and sense the absurdity of her situation. To ease her mind, she uses her imagination to justify the farcical requests she is faced with.

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Bal Des Ardents (Ball of the Burning Men) – Short Film Review

Reimagining the historical event, Ball of the Burning Men (aka Bal Des Ardents), a cocktail waitress takes a trainee under her wing at a masquerade jazz bar in Chinatown.

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She’s Not Your Type – Short Film Review

Barry’s friends meet his girlfriend for the first time. Over the course of their double date, they become more and more convinced that she simply isn’t his type.

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