Writer and director Márk G. Lakatos brings a sinister story to the screen in his film Reunion. We begin following Sean (Patrick Thomas Kovacs) as he announces to his wife that he’s going to visit his ailing father, Robert. Lydia (Erika Herbert) sees straight through this façade. She calls him out, suggesting he’s only going to make sure he claims half of his father’s inheritance. Sean doesn’t deny this. His interactions with Lydia set his character up as an entitled borderline abuser. He acts threateningly towards her when she mentions his brother, Jacob, who seems to be the favourite child.

This becomes important later on as Sean arrives at his father’s house and is mistaken by his father for Jacob. Sean does not correct him. His father is blind and more or less bed-bound – afflicted by an unknown illness.
It becomes apparent that Sean’s father used to be an alcoholic and that he and his brother didn’t have the best upbringing. However, it sounds like things were worse for Sean than Jacob, which may explain the bitter man we’re now presented with. As they talk, it is possible that Robert realises this is not Jacob but Sean, as he feels the absence of scars on his son’s arm from a previous incident involving a glass bottle.

While preparing soup in the kitchen, Sean hears a commotion from the bedroom. An unspeakable metamorphosis is taking place. In the place of his father now stands a werewolf of sorts. A gruesome ritual is then thrust upon Sean, perhaps as punishment for his greed or to teach him a lesson for trying to impersonate his brother.
The tension builds well throughout the film with Lakatos controlling it well. An atmosphere of threat is maintained throughout. Brett Bickley as Robert plays a significant role in this as his sinister performance sends chills through even the sturdiest of spines. His get-up is somewhat outdated, with the ragged bandage over the eyes reminding me of the blind soldier in War Horse. However, it’s disturbingly effective regardless. Patrick Thomas Kovacs, as Sean, plays somewhat of an antagonistic role. He captures this element well, but when moving into the horror elements of the film, his performance becomes a little wooden. As he watches his father turn into a werewolf, he just stands there biting his nails, which is perhaps a bit of an underreaction.

Unfortunately, the build-up of the tension is more effective than the reveal of the transformation, as the costume department slightly misses the mark. The initial close-up of the werewolf salivating is effective, but the wider angle shot reveals something that looks a little like a cuddlier version of a Five Nights at Freddy’s character. The use of lighting covers up some of these indiscretions, but I feel that further limiting the view of the creature Robert becomes would have maintained some of the tension that was built so well throughout the film. The gruesome ritual Sean is commanded to perform, however, is very effective and will have audiences wincing.

Although there is limited story, Reunion manages to hold your attention by creating an engaging atmosphere. With Brett Bickley providing an especially captivating performance, the film delivers its fair share of chills.
Watch the trailer below.