Series creator Todd Montesi brings to life the character of PN with wit and humour. In the latest episode (EP 21: Phase III) PN returns after a social media cleanse. The use of video conferencing as a source for comedy has been a new development in the era of Coronavirus and it works extremely effectively because it’s so universally relatable at this time. PN & Friends makes use of this well.

The character Keith Mackler, one of PN’s friends (portrayed by Keith Mackler) is hilarious. His delivery, facial expressions and just his characterisation as a whole is truly on point. Keith has a money making scheme and he needs PN’s help – he knows some people who are looking to create ethnically diverse laugh tracks – he needs black laughs.

With some cajoling, PN heads along to the virtual meeting to see what it’s all about. However, much to the amusement of the viewers, PN is apparently not too good at laughing. Trying to watch the two white producers call him out on this without causing offence is particularly funny. The interactions flow naturally and realistically which is hard to achieve when you’re in the same room as someone, never mind filming in separate places. The subject of recording a laugh track is actually very uplifting – it’s hard not to smile at a room full of people laughing!
There is a loose plot running through the episode, though it’s made up of sketches rather than scenes. This keeps the pace moving and allows for the huge cast of characters Montesi involves in the show. A massive amount of effort obviously goes into making the episodes.

The show may benefit from a little more editing to focus the audiences’ attention. Also there could be more clear definition in the sketches. The reason the laugh track skit is so effective is because it has a clear purpose and reason for being there and it would be good to extend this to the other elements. I’m not particularly into the weird sci-fi, other worldly aspect of the show as I feel there’s a whole lot to explore in the reality PN & Friends. However this does make for another fun element to the show and I can see how it could be developed. I also wondered if the episodes might seem more appealing if they’re all broken down into 10-15 minute chunks, perhaps with 30-60 minute specials. This would likely draw a better audience and allow a more regular stream of content in a more user friendly size. The characters are all great and really funny. Montesi as PN is especially relatable, funny and enjoyable to watch.
Watch this episode below and check out the YouTube channel for more!