Is This The Bed We Lie In? – Short Film Review

A woman discusses her desire for more than her husband can offer.

Directed by Joseph McGovern, Is This The Bed We Lie In? follows a conversation between Jennifer and her husband Robert.

Robert comes home from work to find Jennifer emotionally distant. It seems there is a lot on her mind. As she opens up to him, themes of dissatisfaction emerge – not necessarily with Robert, but just with her life in general. Going to work, chatting for an hour then going to bed seems to have become an entrenched routine, and Jennifer is wondering if there is something else out there that can provide her some excitement or variation.

Robert begins by thinking there’s work to be done for them in their sex life, trying to boost Jennifer’s confidence. But Jennifer reveals there’s something more she wants that Robert simply can’t provide. She wants to experience being with a woman.

Naturally, Robert begins to feel inadequate and as though he isn’t enough. The defences come up. The conversation is brought to an abrupt end when Rob asks if they can talk about it tomorrow.

At just a few minutes long, the film feels as though it could be part of a larger narrative. The subject matter and nature of the emotions raised would feel at home in a scene in a drama. There’s definitely room for expansion and development as the film raises some interesting issues. Despite that, the short length works for the subject matter covered as it’s better to leave audiences wanting more than to drag something out for too long.

Constance Reshey as Jennifer and Joel Blanco as Robert tell the story convincingly as we join them for a short, sharp snapshot into their marriage.

Watch the trailer below.

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