Ella Greenwood’s directorial debut, ‘Faulty Roots’, deals primarily with the depression of the protagonist, Lola (portrayed by Greenwood) and her friendship with Zack, who suffers from an incurable genetic disease.

The bright high-key lighting used throughout the majority of the film really emphasises the unique mise-en-scene. Everything seems positioned and chosen carefully – right down to the colour scheme which comprises mostly of bright colours such as pink. This almost eerily happy and contrived setting contrasts with the darker subject matter of depression and disease. Greenwood uses the scenery to mirror the façade we put on to mask our inner emotions. This façade perhaps works too well in some areas as the more complicated emotions and difficulties are sometimes lost.
The suggestion that both characters suffer a ‘genetic condition’ is perhaps a little misleading as although depression has been linked to genetics (especially severe recurrent depression) the conditions is also quite largely dependent on environmental factors.
Nevertheless, the relationship between Lola and Zack blossoms with tenderness as both Greenwood and Thabo communicate their roles with certainty. The chemistry between the characters is good and presents enough substance to fill the space of a longer narrative.
Greenwood is able to pack a lot of emotion into the short film she has created and I look forward to seeing her future projects!
Check out the trailer!