1 Star Review – Short Film Review

A chef takes receiving negative feedback a little too personally.

Director John Ferrer takes us on a culinary journey of nightmares, hosted by psychopathic Chef Michael (Charlie Clee).

No breath is wasted with exposition; we’re launched into the action immediately. When I say action, I really mean murder. The concept for the main narrative of the film is thrown at the viewer as the filmmakers strive for maximum impact. And it works on an epic scale. What we have is a chef who kidnaps those who dare to leave negative reviews of his restaurant and murders them in a way somewhat related to their complaint. A horrifying but inventive storyline.

The cinematography really packs a punch in the opening montage. It’s like Killing Eve meets The Bear. No time is wasted in getting down to the grotesque nitty-gritty. After the murders, which have a flair Villanelle would be proud of, Michael changes the negative comments; “Food worth dying for!” A five star review with a snappy line to boot. The sardonic humour begins to build a picture of a terrifying psychopath who will stop at nothing to preserve an illusion of perfection.

Elysia is unlucky enough to find herself on an exclusive date with Michael where he cooks a private meal for her in his restaurant. With the images of the opening montage flashing through our minds, the tension is off the scale. 1 Star Review is truly edge of the seat stuff. Sarah J Parker as Elysia captures the young woman’s descent into terror. She takes the character from slight unease to total desperation. As Michael, Charlie Clee is constantly aloof and unwavering. He crafts a deeply unsettling character and commands the scene with a narcissistic power – all the great elements of a successful psycho.

Recently announced to be featuring at FrightFest on Monday August 26th, 1 Star Review is sure to receive quite the opposite. With wonderfully crafted cinematography, chilling performances and an innovative storyline, this film is a must see for any horror fans!

Watch the trailer below!